National Statistics Office (NSO)

Following the promulgation of the Statistics Act, 2022 on September 13, the former Central Bureau of Statistics was upgraded to the National Statistics Office (NSO) on October 13, 2022. Now operating under the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, the NSO is led by the Chief Statistician (Gazetted Special Class, Secretary), unlike its predecessor, which was headed by a Director General.

The NSO plays a pivotal role in ensuring the effective functioning of Nepal’s national statistical system. It is dedicated to strengthening the country's statistical framework by fostering collaboration among data providers, producers, and users. The data published by the NSO, through various mediums, serves as a critical resource for understanding national trends and supporting informed decision-making.

This data category on Open Data Nepal consists of datasets published by the NSO across different platforms, providing essential insights into Nepal’s demographic, economic, social, and environmental statistics.