Datasets from the State of Inclusive Governance 2020 Report
A Study on participation and representation after federalization in Nepal. The study aims to produce a nuanced understanding of the situation and dynamics of social inclusion... -
७५ जिल्लाको पुरुष, महिला र तेस्रो लिङी मतदाताको जम्मा संख्या - Year 2017
A total number of Male, Female and Third Gender voter in all 75 districts of Nepal according to the Election Commission Nepal - Year 2017. -
Total Number of Population and Registered Voters per Districts - Year 2017
A total number of population and registered voters per districts, Data harvested for the Election Commission Nepal website. -
Total Number of Local Bodies and Wards Per District of Nepal
This dataset contains the district wise data of. total no of metropolitan, sub-metropolitan, municipality and rural-Municipality and wards of these each 753 local bodies. -
राष्ट्रिय महिला आयोगमा परको उजुरीको विवण ०७२।०७३
राष्ट्रिय महिला आयोगमा परको उजुरीको विवण आ.व. ०७२।०७३, harvested from National Women Commission, Annual report 2071/72 -
Relief Distribution of Non Food Items by District Administration Office(DAO)
Relief Distribution of Non Food Items by District Administration Office(DAO) -
Relief Distribution of Food Items by District Administration Office(DAO)
Relief Distribution of Food Items by District Administration Office(DAO) -
Progress Monthly Report 2075 Baishak
progress monthly report 2075 baishak -
Number of Gender Based Violence Complaints Handled by Para-Legal Committees...
It shows the number of GBV complaints handled by para-legal committees of Department of Women and Children, Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare in the year of 2010.... -
Number of Crime Cases Recorded in Women and Children Service Center, Police...
It summarizes the crime cases registered in WCSC, Nepal Police Headquarter for the period of 1996/97 to 2010/11. Seven types of crimes have been recorded in WCSC: rape, attempt... -
List of INGOs Working Under Agreement With Social Welfare Council (FY 2071/072)
List of INGOs Working Under Agreement With Social Welfare Council (SWC) (FY 2071/072) -
IRD VAT Registration in Fiscal Year 2073/074
IRD VAT Registration in Fiscal Year 2073/074, data harvested from Inland Revenue Department -
IRD Registration Income Tax by Taxpayer's type in 2073/074
IRD Registration Income Tax by Taxpayer's type in 2073/074, data harvested from Inland Revenue Department. -
Information Technology Systems Developed by the Relevant Bodies of Nepal...
This dataset contains the the data related to softwares likes name of software, type of software, nature of job of the software and the name of department and bodies of... -
Geographical Codes for States, Districts and Local Bodies
Geographical Codes for States, Districts and Local Bodies, harvested form Central Bureau of Statistics -
Five-Yearly Average(2005/06-2009/10) Number of Crime Cases, Conviction Rates...
The 5-yearly average (2005/06-2009/10) number of cases registered, conviction rates and pending rates of trafficking, rape and attempted rape.The conviction rate is defined as... -
बालगृह र तिनमा आश्रित बालबालिकाको जिल्लागत तथ्यांक
बालगृह र तिनमा आश्रित बालबालिकाको जिल्लागत तथ्यांक, harvested from Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, Annual report 2071/72 -
विभिन्न स्थानमा संचालित वृद्धाश्रमहरुमा आश्रित ज्येष्ठ नागरिकहरुको विवरण
विभिन्न स्थानमा संचालित वृद्धाश्रमहरुमा आश्रित ज्येष्ठ नागरिकहरुको विवरण, harvested from Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, Annual report 2071/72 -
घरेलु हिंसाबाट प्रभावितकालागि संचालित सेवाकेन्द्र तथा उपकेन्द्रबाट सेवा...
घरेलु हिंसाबाट प्रभावितकालागि संचालित सेवाकेन्द्र तथा उपकेन्द्रबाट सेवा लिनेहरुको विवरण, harvested from Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, Annual report 2071/72 -
नेपाल प्रहरीले अपराधको रूपमा दर्ता गरेको हिसां सम्वन्धी घटनाको विवरण
नेपाल प्रहरीले अपराधको रूपमा दर्ता गरेको हिसां सम्वन्धी घटनाको विवरण, harvested from Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, Annual report 2071/72