Statistical Information On Nepalese Agriculture 2073/74 (2016/17) | Ministry...
Area and Production by Districts, data harvested from Statistical Information On Nepalese Agriculture 2073/74 (2016/17) - Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development -
Sales of Chemical Fertilizers Year in 2013/14. This dataset is in both...
This dataset is retrieved from Statistical on Nepalese Agriculture Report 2013/2014 published by Agribusiness Promotional and Statistics Division (Government of Nepal) -
Production of Jute in Nepal by District
Jute: Area and Production by Districts Source: STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON NEPALESE AGRICULTURE 2073/74 (2016/17) ministry of Agriculture and livestock development -
Previous Retail Price of Fertilizers Effected from 5th Feb. (2011/2067/10/25)
Previous Retail Price of Fertilizers effected from 5th Feb. (2011/2067/10/25) -
Previous Retail Price of Fertilizers Effected form 2069/04/08 To 2069/08/30
Previous Retail Price of Fertilizers Effected form 2069/04/08 To 2069/08/30 source: Krishi Samagagri Company Limited -
Previous Retail Price of Fertilizers Effected form 2069/02/05 To 2069/04/08
Previous Retail Price of Fertilizers Effected form 2069/02/05 To 2069/04/08 Source: Krishi Samagri Company Limited -
Livestock Population
Livostock Population(form 2007/08-2016/17) -
उच्च मूल्यका कृषि उपज प्रशोधन उद्योगको अनुदानको लागि स्वीकृत भएका सहकारी सस्थाहरु
उच्च मूल्यका कृषि उपज प्रशोधन उद्योगको अनुदानको लागि स्वीकृत भएका सहकारी सस्थाहरु, कृषि विकास मंत्रालयबाट खिचिएको । -
Coffee production by District
The coffee production dataset by District from Ministry of Agriculture. -
Bee Keeping and Honey Production From 1996-2016
Bee Keeping and Honey Production dataset from the year 1997-2016 -
Area, Production and Yield of Cereal Crops in Nepal (1984/85 to 2013/2014)
The area, production and yield of Cereal Crops form facial year 1984/85 AD to 2013-2014 AD. It contains data of Area in Hectare, Production in Metric Tons and Yield in Kg. per... -
AREA, PRODUCTION AND YIELD OF CEREAL CROPS IN DISTRICTS, 2014/2015. This data is retried from Statical Information on Nepalese Agriculture. Report published by Agri-Business... -
Area, Production and Yield of Cash Crops in Nepal (1990/91 to 2013/2014)
The area, production and yield of Cash Crops form 1984/85 AD to 2013-2014 AD. It contains data of Area in Hectare, Production in Metric Tons and Yield in Kg. per Hectare. This...