Households with Membership of Co-operatives and Saving Groups

The table represents the percentage distribution of household by membership of co-operative/small savings group. Overall percentage distribution shows that 51.31 per cent households do not have any membership of co-operative/small savings group. More households with membership reside in urban area (53.57%) in comparison to rural area (46.36%). In ecological belts, households of mountain region have highest percentage of membership (64.52%) while lowest (45.97%) in Terai. Mid-western mountain shows almost equal percentage of households having membership (46.45%) and not having membership (47.40%) of co-operative/small savings group. Significant percentage of households (51.95%) residing in very high combined vulnerability area do not have membership of cooperative or small saving groups.

ទិន្នន័យ និងធនធាន

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Last Updated ឧសភា 8, 2020, 08:28 (UTC)
Created មិថុនា 22, 2018, 09:01 (UTC)
category Finance
oknp_category 003