Household Head by Years of Involvement in Agriculture

The table indicates the distribution of household heads by years of involvement in agriculture. The result shows that the highest percentages of household heads (24.4%) are involved in agriculture for 35 to 44 years followed by 23.1 per cent households for 25 to 34 years and 19.17 per cent for 45 to 54 years. Highest mean year of involvement is found in mid-western mountain (46.08%). In ecological belt, majority of household heads in mountains, and hills have (25 to 34), (35 to 44), and (45 to 54) years of involvement in agriculture. Across the eco-development region, the result reveals that high percentage of household (78.07%) in Kathmandu Valley have least involvement in agriculture (0 to 4 years). In areas with very high vulnerability index, the highest years of involvement in agriculture was found to be 35 to 44 years. Mean years of involvement in agriculture is highest (43.25 years) in sub-alpine climatic zone.

ទិន្នន័យ និងធនធាន

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Last Updated ឧសភា 8, 2020, 08:28 (UTC)
Created មិថុនា 22, 2018, 08:56 (UTC)
category Agriculture
oknp_category 001